December 14, 2010

Sometimes I can't find any words. Or maybe I am too afraid to put words to the thoughts swirling in my head.

Sometimes it is just too damn hard.

So I will share the words of another mother and blogger who is dear to me, even though we never have met.

I love the post I have shared below for so many reasons. I love how my friend manages to look through sadness and worry and fear to find all the ways her daughter teaches her.

And I love how my friend manages to put words to so many of my innermost thoughts.

I can only begin to imagine what it must be like for my friend to see her child suffer so much. I would never want her to think I was comparing our situations. But I do know something about the feeling she describes -- the feeling that, as a mother, I have to do something to let my child know I am there -- even when I have no idea what that something ought to be.

I, too, sometimes find myself singing in a dark room, in the hope that my son's tears will stop.

I, too, sometimes think about how difficult it is to love someone when you feel as if that person has rejected you.

It is the most heart-wrenching feeling I have ever known.

I want to share my friend's words because she amazes me...

and because she teaches me.

1 comment:

  1. i know you know. and that alone means so much.
    so glad to be your friend and share this journey... even though we're miles apart, we're connected. i think of you/pray for you like you're my sister.
